Learning Quality Framework: a developmental framework.
The Learning Quality Framework is a rigorous developmental framework to guide a school towards delivering outstanding learning, leading to
- Creative, independent lifelong learners who achieve well and are prepared for the challenges of 21st Century living
- Outstanding teaching that expands all young people’s capacities and appetite to learn
- A collaborative learning culture that supports experimentation and personal responsibility
Learning Quality Framework: captures the essence of learning
The Learning Quality Framework captures the essence of what a learning school does to ensure that all its people — staff and students — become better learners. It guides and progresses the long-term learning journey of a school that aspires to:
- build young peoples mental, emotional and social resources to enjoy challenge and cope well with uncertainty and complexities
- map, plan and validate its development as a vibrant, dynamic and confident learning organisation
- play a more expansive educational game
The Learning Quality Framework: scaffolds the school’s learning journey and comprises
- a learning Quality Standard (LQS)
- review and verification processes to support progress
- materials and consultancy to support action planning
The Learning Quality Standard: translates aspirations into practical descriptions
The Learning Quality Standard translates the school’s aspirations into practical descriptions of what it needs to be like along the way to realising them. Such aspirations may call for wide-ranging adaptations in the culture of a school, so the Standard encompasses issues not only of pedagogy but of leadership, professional development, curriculum, parents and community, and much more.
Becoming a Learning Quality School
The fact that you are reading this guide means that your school is already working to become a Learning Quality School. When implemented rigorously the Learning Quality Standard has a major effect on a school’s culture, systems and processes. Implementing the spirit as well as the letter of the Standard has the potential to generate profound change in the school.
By taking on the Learning Quality Framework the school is embarking on possibly the most challenging but worthwhile change process it has ever encountered. It involves creating and strengthening a culture that is comfortable with change, incorporating robust structures and systems for planning and evaluating, radically adapting the learning process in classrooms and in professional development, and engaging students and parents more in learning. The culture being created is one in which future innovation will thrive, improvement effort will be sustained and people will flourish.